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Import XUMM wallets into GemWallet

· One min read
Florian Bouron

How to import my XUMM wallet to GemWallet?

GemWallet allows you to import your secret keys into the extension.

If you want to import your secret keys from XUMM to GemWallet you will have to import your private keys and add them into GemWallet.

  1. Open GemWallet and type your password

  2. Add a new wallet

In order to add a new wallet click on the "Wallet Icon" button.

GemWallet home screen
  1. Click on the "Plus" button.
GemWallet add wallet button
  1. Confirm your password, and then click on "Import a new wallet".
GemWallet import new wallet
  1. Add your secret numbers

Click on "Secret numbers" and add your secret numbers that you obtained from XUMM wallet.

GemWallet secret numbers

Congratulation! You have successfully imported your XUMM wallet to GemWallet.