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Version: 1.0.2

Using GemWallet in the browser


This page assumes that you have GemWallet installed.

Importing the library

Let's first import the library in the <head> tag of our page.

Install the packaged library via script tag using cdnjs, swapping in the desired version number for {version}. You can also replace {version} with master to get the last version (not recommended).

<script src="{version}/dist/gemwallet-api.min.js"></script>

This will expose a global variable called window.gemWalletApi that will contain our library.

Now let's dig into what functionalities are available to you.




We recommend that you check if the user is connected before using any of the other methods available.

isConnected() -> <Promise<boolean>>

Returns true if the user has GemWallet extension installed, and false otherwise.

gemWalletApi.isConnected().then((isConnected) => {
if (isConnected) {
console.log("User has GemWallet!");
} else {
console.log("User doesn't have GemWallet!");


getNetwork() -> <Promise<'TEST'|'MAIN'>>

Returns TEST if the user is connected to the test network, and MAIN if connected to the main network.

gemWalletApi.isConnected().then((isConnected) => {
if (isConnected) {
gemWalletApi.getNetwork().then((network) => {
console.log(`NETWORK: ${network}`);


transactionRequest() -> <Promise<'waiting'|'pending'|'success'|'rejected'>>

Transaction can have 4 stages:

  • waiting: waiting for a user interaction
  • pending: transaction is pending to be a success or rejected (in progress)
  • success: transaction has been successful
  • rejected: transaction has been rejected
gemWalletApi.isConnected().then((isConnected) => {
if (isConnected) {
const transaction = {
chain: "xrp",
network: "TEST",
transaction: "payment",
amount: "50",
destination: "rMrXopFSnCDSd5Eej4TpeHrV7SPjKtLpo2",
token: "xrp",
apiVersion: 1,
gemWalletApi.transactionRequest(transaction).then((status) => {
console.log(`TRANSACTION STATUS: ${status}`);